The Benefits of Choosing Local Produce – and Why It Resonates With Your Millennial Customers

How your food is prepared and where your ingredients come from are two areas that today’s consumers are increasingly curious about.

Research shows that millennials in particular – that is, people born between 1980 and 2000, which comprises a big chunk of your potential customers – are highly aware of and concerned about issues around food provenance and environmental sustainability, as this recent Nielsen report shows

If your customers are asking about provenance, food miles and related issues, it shows they’re looking to support businesses which are committed to Australian sourced produce. By choosing ingredients which have travelled fewer food miles, you’ll be seen as making as a positive contribution to environmental sustainability. Nielsen’s research also shows millennials actively seek out those foodservice businesses which are supporting local producers and farmers as opposed to choosing imported product.

This is why choosing fruit from a local producer like SPC makes sound business sense. As Australia’s largest packaged processed fruit and vegetable manufacturer, SPC makes a substantial economic contribution to the Goulburn Valley region, which is where some 97 per cent of its fruit is grown. By choosing quality local produce such as SPC’s over imported, you’re helping to make the local economy stronger, which is good for all Australian businesses.

And as it’s one of Australia’s most fertile areas with great sunlight and irrigation, SPC fruit from the Goulburn Valley beats imported product hands-down. It’s nurtured and grown on long-established fruits, such as pear trees some 60 to 80 years old, then hand-picked and handled with care, with all SPCs growers certified by a rigorous independently audited environmental assurance program.

SPC also has full traceability on all its fruit, so it can be tracked back to the farm of origin – the quality assurance that goes into each pack of SPC fruit is second to none. And because SPC fruit is processed and packaged in close proximity to the farms on which it’s grown, the food miles it takes to reach you are lower than imported product – which means lower environmental impact from transport fuel and associated factors which can impact on longterm sustainability.

And thanks to SPC’s expert processing and packaging, this great quality Australian fruit is available all year-round – so you don’t need to worry about seasonal shortages impacting your menu.

The quality locally produced fruit from SPC includes Tatura Peaches, with their consistently delicious flavour and firm body making them ideal for desserts as well as in savoury dishes to accompany red and white meats; juicy Apricots which are the perfect choice for classic dishes like Apricot Chicken and in jams and chutneys as well as desserts; Pears which can be served poached, infused and pickled;  and vine-ripened Tomatoes which are a staple of winter dishes and an essential ingredient in many cuisine styles.

So try the SPC fruit difference for yourself – and build greater engagement with your customers through your use of superior quality Australian produce!

For more information on the SPC foodservice product solutions range visit